Public Accounts and Estimates Committee


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I would also like to commend the report on the 2016–17 budget estimates to the Council and indeed to the Parliament and the community. It is a report that has a wealth of information in it about the operation of the government departments, and I would like to echo — without repeating all the names of staff Ms Shing just mentioned — that the staff always do a very herculean job in working for the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee on the myriad tasks it has before it. 

This is a very comprehensive report. The committee has worked very hard on it. I thank the chair, the deputy chair and the other members of the committee for the amount of time and effort everyone has put into it.

I just wanted to point out a couple of what I think are very interesting parts of the report. Chapter 7, asset investment, particularly looks at how investment into assets is being made and how that has changed over the years, in particular with the use of public-private partnerships. That is a very interesting part of the report from my point of view, but anyway the whole report is very interesting. I think that if people reading through it even just go to the chapters of interest to them they will get a lot out of that.

Motion agreed to.