Question 4895: Bullying in Victoria Police


MS PENNICUIK — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police): In relation to the recent Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission report which revealed a disturbing culture of sexual harassment within Victoria Police, police suicides from bullying, the repeated concerns raised by the Police Association about bullying within Victoria Police and the call for a complete overhaul of how complaints of bullying are handled, and reports that class actions against Victoria Police for bullying are being prepared by Victorian law firms:
(1) Will there be an independent external review of the extent of bullying within Victoria Police and how complaints of bullying are being handled.


I am advised that:

In August 2015, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) released a special report concerning police oversight, which also covered the issue of bullying. This report documented a range of reviews conducted by the IBAC over the past financial year, including a review of Victoria Police's investigation into the death of a police officer following allegations of bullying. In response to the IBAC's review and recommendations, Victoria Police is taking active measures to address inappropriate workplace behaviour in response to the issues raised in the report.

In December 2015, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) released its report into sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including predatory behaviour, amongst Victoria Police personnel. The report examined the prevalence, drivers and impacts of sex discrimination and sexual harassment, but also covered the issue of gender-based bullying within Victoria Police. The information gathered by the VEOHRC review will be used by Victoria Police to develop an action plan, which VEOHRC will independently monitor and report on publicly over three years.

While the findings of the reports are deeply concerning, the government is pleased that the IBAC and VEOHRC reports contain a number of recommendations aimed at improving processes and providing better support to victims.

The government supports Victoria Police in this endeavour and will not tolerate sexual harassment, sexism or bullying in any workplace or the community.