Question on Notice 10182: Stop and search receipting trial


MS PENNICUIK — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police): In relation to the Victoria Police stop and search receipting trial that was conducted during 2015 —

(1) how many receipts were issued during the trial period in each of the four pilot locations of:
(a)Moonee Valley;
(b)Greater Dandenong;
(c) Boroondara; and

(2) how many of these receipts were given out in each of the categories listed on the receipt form of welfare, road safety, community safety and receipt requested, in each of the four pilot locations as listed in (1)(a) to (1)(d);

(3) what was the basis for each of the road safety stops during the trial period;

(4) what was the percentage of receipts given out for traffic stops overall compared to field contacts in each of the four locations of the pilot;

(5) where did the stops occur within each of the four locations of the pilot;

(6) where did the traffic stops occur within each of the four locations of the pilot;

(7) what was revealed about type and location of crime in the four regions subject to the receipting trial;

(8) what types of crimes were included in constructing the data;

(9) what if any ethnicity data did Victoria Police gather concerning people stopped by police members;

(10)if Victoria Police did gather ethnicity data, how is this ethnicity data collected/recorded, and stored;

(11)what other kinds of data did Victoria Police gather from these stops such as name, address, perceived gender, age, religion;

(12)were running sheets/LEAP data forms also completed for each of the stops; if so, explain which sheets/forms were filled in and provide a copy of the LEAP/other data form used; and

(13)what types and rates of outcomes occurred as a consequence of the traffic and field contact stops, such as arrests, charges, infringements, cautions, searches, move-on directions, use of force.

ANSWER on 24 May 2017:

In 2015, Victoria Police piloted a program where police and Protective Services Officers (PSOs) across four police service areas issued written receipts of their interactions with members of the public as part of a range of commitments arising from Victoria Police's Equality is Not the Same report. This program of works aimed to enhance transparency and accountability of police interactions with members of the public.

On 20 December 2016, Victoria Police released the Receipting Proof of Concept Evaluation Report as well as the Equality is Not the Same-Year Three Report. These reports are available at

The overarching objective of the trial was to create a practical receipting method that provides a person with a tangible record of their interaction with police. The method of receipting chosen was developed in consultation with both police and community stakeholders at the receipting locations.

Receipts were issued by general duties police patrol units, embedded operational response units and PSOs, in circumstances where they initiated contact in a public place, where a person's details were requested or where a routine motor vehicle intercept was conducted and when there was no law enforcement outcome. Receipts were also issued when requested.

As part of the trial, police and PSOs recorded the reason for the contact, the date, time and location of the interaction, and the officer's member number and police station on a running sheet. As receipts were only issued in circumstances where no policing outcome resulted, the interactions were not recorded on the Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP). Data on perceived ethnicity was not collected due to concerns around the reliability of such data and the potential risk of stereotyping.

The evaluation report acknowledges the challenges faced by Victoria Police in capturing and reporting data, to enable in-depth analysis of police contacts. The evaluation is limited to data collected as part of the evaluation process, such as police and community survey data. As a result, I am advised that the specific data you request in relation to the number and nature of receipts issued is not available.