Question on notice 11031: 3D Guns


MS PENNICUIK — To ask the Minister for Corrections (for the Minister for Police): In light of recent media reports that thousands of Australians have downloaded instructions to make a 3D printed gun, what action will the Government take to prevent use or possession of a digital blueprint for the manufacture of a 3D printed gun.

ANSWER on 9 August 2017:

The Andrews Labor Government has introduced new laws to get illegal guns off our streets. This has included:

–  lowering the threshold for trafficking from ten to three guns

–  tightening the meaning of possession of a firearm to make the work of police easier

–  introducing a new offence of illegally manufacturing a firearm

–  increasing the maximum sentence for theft of firearms from ten to 15 years.

The Government's work has not stopped. We are also introducing new laws to crack down on drive-by shootings and working with police to further strengthen these measures.

We will continue to work with Victoria Police and other jurisdictions on emerging firearm manufacturing technology and equipment. Following a review of firearms manufacturing offences, the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council recently announced the development of potential model legislation. Rather than addressing specific applications as they become apparent, proposals will more broadly focus on new and emerging technologies that could be used in the manufacture of firearms.

This national work is ongoing and the government will be keen to consider any recommendations that are made for future legislative change in this area.