Question on Notice 11396: Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harrassment in Victoria Police


Ms PENNICUIK — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police): In light of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission review into sex discrimination and sexual harassment in Victoria Police in 2015 —

(1)    what amount in the 2017-18 Budget is to assist with the implementation of the recommendations of the Review and the Action Plan put forward by the Commission and how is the amount allocated/distributed;

(2)    what training on sexual harassment and sex discrimination is occurring in light of the Review and who is receiving this training, for example, all recruits, sworn police, supervisors/managers etc.

(3)    what is the composition of the Workplace Harm Unit;

(4)    how many complaints have the Workplace Harm Unit received since the Commission report and what types of complaints are they; and

(5)    what funding arrangements are in place to support back fill for parental leave and training that is accessible to all employees as recommended by the Commission report.

ANSWER on 14 November:

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission's (VEOHRC) report released in 2015 highlighted an urgent need for cultural change in the Police force. Victoria Police has committed to implementing all of its recommendations and work is in progress.

In the 2017-18 budget, $5 986 900 in funding was allocated the VEOHRC Review response. Workplace Harm training has commenced and includes content specifically relating to sexual harassment and sexual discrimination. This training is facilitated by an external consultant as per the Review recommendation. The initial rollout of this training is delivered to Inspectors and Senior Sergeants as part of their respective development programs. Upon full rollout, this training will be accessible by all Victoria Police employees.

OneLink (formerly known as the Workplace Harm unit) is an independent work unit reporting to the Director, Workplace Relations Division, Human Resources Department.

Through the Community Safety Statement, the Government has provided Victoria Police with funding for an additional 219 police, 7 PSOs and 1 VPS to support the Parental Leave Backfill program.