Question on notice 6649: Community corrections officers


MS PENNICUIK — To ask the Minister for Corrections: As the caseload of Community Corrections Officers (CCO) has tripled in the last year what is the specific budget amount for 2016-17 for additional staff to deal with Community Corrections Orders and to what extent in terms of percentage or ratio is this expected to reduce the existing caseload for CCO staff.

ANSWER 25 October 2016:

I am informed that:

–  An additional $201.4M over four years in output has been provided in the 2016-17 State Budget to meet increased growth in the number of community correction orders and reparation orders. $36.7M of the funding allocated for the 2016-17 financial year is to meet the expected increase in court orders.

–  The 2016-17 funding provides for an additional 157 staff to enhance rehabilitation of offenders, build workforce capacity and improve service delivery. This includes additional case management and court advice staff and the creation of a new senior case manager role. These additions will enable lower caseloads and a more intensive case management approach to offenders under supervision who are at the highest risk of reoffending.

–  It is expected that case management caseloads will reduce progressively as new staff are introduced across the state.