Question on Notice - Strategic Cycling Corridors


MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture (for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety): In relation to the Strategic Cycling Corridors as prepared by VicRoads:

(1)    What is the extent and program of activities in relation to community consultation that will be undertaken to inform and update the Victorian Cycling Strategy and new action plan.

(2)    What is the progress and extent of the work with VicRoads for the Strategic Cycling Corridors project.

(3)    What are the 'missing links' in the existing bicycle network and how have they been identified.

(4)    How are these 'missing links' prioritised in terms of investment in cycling infrastructure.


I am informed that, as at the date the question was raised:

1)     There are three ways people can participate in the community consultation to update Victoria's cycling strategy. People can choose to complete an online survey (running from 20 October to 16 December 2015), provide a written submission through a dedicated email address (running from 20 October to 16 December 2015) and/or attend any of 10 community consultation workshops across the state; five in metropolitan Melbourne and five in regional Victoria. The community will also be able to provide feedback on the draft cycling strategy in early 2016.

2)     VicRoads is well progressed in the identification of Strategic Cycling Corridors (SCCs) across metropolitan Melbourne and 46 regional cities and centres throughout Victoria. VicRoads and the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources have consulted local government in the development of the SCCs. The SCCs are indicative corridors only and further investigation and consultation will determine the optimum routes within particular corridors.

3)     'Missing links' will be identified for each route within the SCCs in consultation with stakeholders.

4)     The 'missing links' will be prioritised for investment within a targeted investment plan that will be developed for each route.