Question on Notice - Timber Release Plan


MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture: In relation to the 284 logging coupes removed from the amended 2015 Timber Release Plan, in particular the Minister's comments in Parliament on 20 October 2015 that “Of the 284 coupes removed from the latest Timber Release Plan, 60 coupes were unharvested and 224 coupes were successfully regenerated”:

(1)    How many of the 224 “regenerated” coupes removed from the amended 2015 Timber Release Plan have been subject to thinning operations.

(2)    If any of the 224 “regenerated” coupes removed from the amended 2015 Timber Release Plan have been subject to thinning operations, does the Minister consider such thinning operations to be part of the regeneration process.

(3)    How many of the 224 “regenerated” coupes removed from the amended 2015 Timber Release Plan have been harvested using clearfell logging operations.

(4)    If any of the 224 “regenerated” coupes removed from the amended 2015 Timber Release Plan have been harvested using clearfell logging operations, does the Minister consider such clearfell logging operations to be part of the regeneration process.


I am informed that:

(1)    A total of seven coupes were subject to 'thinning' and removed from the Timber Release Plan (TRP) after having demonstrated they met the requirements for thinning in compliance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014.

(2)    Yes. There is no requirement to 'regenerate' a coupe that has been thinned. VicForests is required to demonstrate that thinning operations are undertaken in accordance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014. Once verified, coupes that have been thinned are removed from the TRP.

(3)    54 coupes were previously subject to clear-fell harvesting, and 35 coupes were previously clear-fell salvaged following the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. These coupes have been treated and assessed as being regenerated successfully.

(4)    All clear-fell timber harvesting operations undertaken by VicForests are regenerated in compliance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014.