Question on notice - VicForests regeneration costs


4697.       MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture: In relation to the 2014–2015 VicForests Annual Report which estimates future logging coupe regeneration costs to be $3.5 million:

(1)    Do you expect that coupe regeneration will cost $3.5 million;

(2)    Has there been an increase in land requiring coupe regeneration;

(3)    How much land is subject to coupe regeneration;

(4)    Given some coupes are not successfully regenerated, why is there no provision for a write-off for regenerated coupe assets;

(5)    Who assesses coupes to estimate the future costs of coupe regeneration and when was this last done;

(6)    Is VicForests engaging scientific experts to determine the success or failure of regenerations efforts;

(7)    Is detailed data available on the future regenerations costs for individual coupes, given the diversity in forest types and problems that are currently occurring in regeneration and rehabilitation; and

(8)    Are there circumstances in which VicForests can determine that they no longer need to complete regeneration work and, if so, who provides oversight on this decision.


1.     No. VicForests 2014-15 Annual Report states that VicForests has made provisions in relation to regeneration make good assets of $3.61 million. This is the value that VicForests has determined will be required to regenerate currently harvested areas.

2.     No.

3.     The area used to determine regeneration costs at 30 June 2015 was 12 558 hectares.

4.     The provision of future regeneration expenses includes consideration for potential retreatment costs.

5.     VicForests undertakes the assessment of future regeneration costs.

6.     VicForests undertakes detailed assessments of every area regenerated. The results of these assessments are independently audited by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

7.     VicForests undertakes its assessment of future regeneration costs based on a range of factors such as forest type and location. ·In addition, VicForests considers risks to regeneration such as prevailing weather conditions, fire, feral animals and weed competition.

8.     No.

Hon Jaala Pulford MP
Minister for Agriculture