Question on notice - VicForests Revenue


4690.       MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture: In relation to the 2014–2015 VicForests Annual Report in which VicForests reported it received $2.93 million as revenue from other government entities:

(1)    What goods, services and work of VicForests is included in this revenue stream; and

(2)    Why is it considered as revenue.


(1)    Note 2(b) on page 37 of the VicForests 2014-15 Annual Report outlines the services provided by VicForests to the government. These services include:

–  regeneration goods and services (to other areas of government, beyond VicForests' existing regeneration obligations)

–  community forestry contract management services

–  other services provided (such as firefighting services, sale of seed, Leadbeater's Possum recovery activities).

(2)    These goods and services provided by VicForests to the government are treated as revenue as per the Australian Accounting Standards Board's standards (AASB 118).

Hon Jaala Pulford MP
Minister for Agriculture