Question Without Notice: Animal Welfare Victoria


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (12:19:57) — My question is for the Leader of the Government, representing Ms Pulford today. Yesterday Ms Pulford announced that she will establish a group called Animal Welfare Victoria, which she will oversee along with the department. She also announced a new animal welfare action plan, that was in fact announced in September last year. The minister said in her media release that:

Animal Welfare Victoria will ensure that wherever animals are, their wellbeing and welfare is a priority.

The media release also says:

Whether it's in our industries, in our communities, in our homes or in the wild, the community rightly expects we do the right thing by animals.

My question is: will the animal welfare plan start with banning duck shooting; banning jumps racing; banning intensive farming, such as battery hens and sow stalls; and banning greyhound racing?

Mr JENNINGS (Special Minister of State) (12:21:12) — I thank Ms Pennicuik for her question, and I will forward the question on to my colleague Ms Pulford to answer. And whilst Ms Pennicuik actually did construct her sentence in the form of a question, I can assure the house that she has just given us a policy statement.

Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (12:21:37) — Thank you, Minister, for your answer. I am sure the policies that I have announced there of the Greens to ban duck shooting, to ban jumps racing, to ban battery hens, to ban sow stalls and to ban greyhound racing is no surprise to the Leader of the Government, as I have certainly have been advocating for those things for many years in this place. As the minister said in her media release, 'All Victorians are committed to good animal welfare', and the community 'rightly expects we do the right thing by animals'. So I am wondering how it is credible to have an animal welfare action plan and a group called Animal Welfare Victoria if duck shooting, jumps racing, intensive farming and greyhound racing are still allowed to continue in Victoria.

Mr Jennings — That was not a question.

The PRESIDENT — I have to agree. We seem to have lost some question marks. Ms Pennicuik, it was a statement of failing to see how this new body would have integrity if it did not address these matters, but it did not go to a question as such, so do you wish to rephrase the question?

Ms PENNICUIK — My question was: how could the community have faith that this new body really takes on the community's expectation that we do the right thing by animals while these activities that I mentioned in my substantive question are still allowed to continue?

Mr JENNINGS (Special Minister of State) (12:23:45) — It is hope that is the answer. I hope the community can actually have faith that in fact that can be achieved, and I have confidence that my colleague will be committed to actually making sure that there is a full and appropriate consideration of these matters. Through that process we will give some hope to the community to have faith in the form that you are seeking.

Written response on 3 November 2017:


Animal welfare is a high priority for the Andrews Labor Government. The Victorian community expects we do the right thing by animals — whether in industries, communities, or homes.

On 19 October 2017, the Government announced it will establish a dedicated public sector body called Animal Welfare Victoria to deliver more support for animal welfare. Animal Welfare Victoria is expected to be operating by February 2018.

The Ambassador for Animal Welfare, Lizzie Blandthorn MP, will lead stakeholder engagement in the development of Victoria's first Animal Welfare Action Plan (Action Plan), which is scheduled for release later this year. Significant consultation has occurred with key stakeholders and the Victorian public to develop the Action Plan. It will set the priority actions and provide a mechanism for improving animal welfare across a range of animal sectors and activities, but will not provide definitive policy positions on specific issues.


Legislative reform will be a priority in the Action Plan and government will take a genuine and consultative approach to reviewing Victoria's animal welfare legislative framework. It will work with Victoria's animal industries, animal welfare groups and the community to develop legislation that supports evidence-based animal welfare practices and reflects community expectations.