Question Without Notice – Asylum Seekers


NINA SPRINGLE:  My question is for the minister representing the Minister for Multicultural Affairs. The new safe haven enterprise visa, or SHEV, is an alternative type of temporary protection visa which would potentially allow people seeking asylum a pathway to permanent residency if they meet certain conditions over a five-year period. One of those conditions is that the person studies or works in a regional SHEV zone for three and half years. I understand that Tasmania, the ACT and much of New South Wales outside Sydney have been declared SHEV zones under applications from those governments. I also understand that the South Australian government has applied for most of that state to be declared a SHEV zone.

The last update the Special Minister of State provided in February was that negotiations with the commonwealth had apparently stalled over issues of resource. Meanwhile there is something like 10 000 people living in Victoria who do not have access to SHEVs here. Can the minister provide any updates as to the progress and negotiations with the federal government over SHEV zones in Victoria?

MINISTER: The minister representing the Minister for Multicultural Affairs in this house is the Special Minister of State, Mr Jennings. The minister is absent from the house because the Greens, among others, have sought to exclude him from this place for six months in an extraordinary and unprecedented act. I will pass on Ms Springle's question and interest in this matter to Mr Jennings, and Mr Jennings will provide a response in due course.

NINA SPRINGLE: I understand that none of the other jurisdictions which have brokered agreements with the commonwealth government has secured substantial amounts of commonwealth funding for the scheme. Can the minister confirm that despite Victoria's healthy budget position and the Victorian government's stated desire to welcome refugees, the main reason that Victoria has not yet signed up to the SHEV scheme essentially boils down to a dispute with the commonwealth over who will pay for it?

MINISTER:  I do not really have anything to add other than I will also provide that to Mr Jennings.