Question Without Notice – Asylum Seekers


NINA SPRINGLE:  My question is for the Minister for Training and Skills, who represents the Minister for Police. According to reports we have received Australian Border Force officers have been entering houses in Melbourne's suburbs where asylum seekers are living for the purposes of arresting and detaining people. In some cases people have apparently been subjected to hours of questioning before being allegedly forced to sign documents declaring that they would consent to being returned to their countries of origin. Apparently people are then being re-detained despite, in some cases, holding valid visas and having upcoming court dates. Is the Victorian government aware that Australian Border Force has been raiding people's homes, including late at night, for the purposes of arresting and detaining people?

 MINISTER: I thank the member for her question. She would appreciate that I am representing the police minister. I will have to take that question on notice and provide a written response.

 NINA SPRINGLE: I thank the minister. Further, is the Victorian government or any of its agencies, including Victoria Police, working in any way with Australian Border Force in these raids?

MINISTER: I shall also take that on notice and provide a written response.