Question without notice - East Gippsland Breaches


Ms DUNN: My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. I raise the issue of the recent spate of breaches by VicForests in the rainforest areas of East Gippsland — up to five in three months. Can the minister advise why VicForests cannot identify protected rainforest species? ANSWER Ms PULFORD: I thank Ms Dunn for her question and her ongoing interest in the operations of VicForests. I note Ms Dunn has yet to avail herself of the opportunity to have a briefing, a sit-down and a long discussion with VicForests on these matters, but perhaps that day will come.  Ms Dunn makes some assertions about the conduct of VicForests, and it is fair to say that there has been an increase in protest activity in East Gippsland.  VicForests will not compromise the safety or sustainability of its operations and will continue to protect these environmental values in conducting its work. If Ms Dunn is in a position to substantiate her assertions, then I would invite her to do so, but on previous occasions when she has come in here and asserted that there have been breaches she has been found to be inaccurate. So without a little more evidence to back up the claim, I am not really in a position to comment much further. Ms DUNN: I thank the minister for her answer. It is not difficult to identify a slender tree fern; even I, with no qualifications, can do so. However, what I am interested in is what actions the minister will take to ensure that VicForests operations stay within the laws protecting rare and protected ecosystems, such as the rainforests in East Gippsland. Ms PULFORD:  I thank Ms Dunn for her ongoing interest in these matters. VicForests complies with the code of practice for timber harvesting. It is required to consider any information made available by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on all known forest values, including the protection of threatened species and other sensitive forest values. I know Ms Dunn will not rest as long as there is a timber industry in Victoria, but we support a sustainable timber industry in Victoria, one that employs some 21 000 Victorians.