Question Without Notice – Foster Carer Reimbursements


NINA SPRINGLE: My question is for the Minister for Families and Children, Ms Mikakos. Recently the responsibility for administering client expenses for children and young people in out-of-home care was removed from community service organisations and assumed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Can the minister provide an explanation as to why this change was necessary?

MINISTER FOR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN: I refer the member to my ministers statement on Tuesday in which I indicated to the house the significant additional investment that the Andrews Labor government has made in relation to financial supports for carers of all types — our foster carers, our kinship carers, our permanent carers — who are now going to receive significant additional supports, whether it be financial assistance or other types of support as well, such as training. I will take the member's question on notice and provide her with a written response.

NINA SPRINGLE: I thank the minister for her answer. Will the minister assure children, carers and community service organisations that this change in policy will not make it harder to access resources in a timely manner?

MINISTER FOR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN: Quite the contrary, Ms Springle. The additional support that I have announced, the very significant support that I outlined in the minister's statement that I made on Tuesday — and I referred to a total of $19.2 million of additional resources for foster carers, kinship carers and permanent carers — —

GEORGIE CROZIER interjected.

MINISTER FOR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN: Ms Crozier, you have no idea; $16.2 million of that money was actually in the budget this year. You have absolutely no comprehension of these matters as the shadow minister. It is a fact that this government, unlike your government, put in the first boost to carer allowances in our first budget last year, and we have gone on to provide further supports for our carers as well. But I am happy to take the question on notice and provide the member with a written response.