Question without notice- Renewable energy


Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is for Ms Pulford, representing the Minister for Energy and Resources in the lower house. Can the minister confirm that the government is conducting modelling and analysis to inform policies for transitioning Victoria's energy sector from fossil fuels to renewables and considering with that modelling the options and costs, and if so, when will that information be released?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I thank Mr Barber for his question and his interest in the energy mix in Victoria. Of course the government is committed to ensuring security of energy supply for the Victorian community so that residents can be confident around security of supply and our industries can continue to grow and thrive. As part of that, like any government that takes the challenges associated with climate change seriously, we are of course keen to increase the proportion of our energy that is generated from renewable sources. As the matter is one for which my colleague in the Legislative Assembly, Ms D'Ambrosio, is responsible and goes to quite some detail, I will take that question on notice and seek a response, in accordance with our usual practices, from Ms D'Ambrosio.

Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I thank the minister for that excellent answer. Just in relation to something that the minister mentioned, she may be aware, and I am sure her representative minister is aware, that Victoria and the south-east Australian grid has a large oversupply of generation capacity — in fact, by the Australian Energy Market Operator's estimate, 9000 megawatts. Amongst these options that are being considered, is it not clear that those options must include the closure of coal-fired power and not just simply the increase of the proportion of renewable energy as she said in her answer?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I thank Mr Barber for his supplementary question for Ms D'Ambrosio, and I will seek a response from Ms D'Ambrosio at the earliest opportunity for Mr Barber.

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