Question without notice: School data


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Training and Skills in his capacity representing the Minister for Education. It relates to the publication of schools and enrolment data on the Department of Education and Training (DET) website. The most recent Excel summary of statistics for Victorian schools on the website is dated February 2015, and the most recent statistical flyer is labelled 2015 but appears to contain statistics to February 2016. The most recent statistical brochure is dated March 2016, with a note that the next edition would be published in July 2016, but it is not on the website. It is usually published every March and July, but it is now September. Could the minister advise when the July statistical brochure will be published on the website and other statistical data updated?

Mr HERBERT (Minister for Training and Skills) — I thank Ms Pennicuik for her question. The government takes accountability and transparency very seriously, and certainly when it comes to the huge investments — the massive, record-breaking investments — in schools education that has happened under this government we are rolling out major programs and rebuilding our schools. We are rebuilding our curriculum, and we are rebuilding support for some of the most vulnerable and high-needs learners in this state. We take education very seriously. On the specifics of the question, I would be happy to take that on notice and seek a written answer from my colleague the Minister for Education.

Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — As I mentioned, the most recent Excel spreadsheet of tables — schools by region, sector, school type; enrolments by region, sector, school type and enrolment sex; full-time equivalent of students and numbers of schools by local government area and sector; and alphabetical listing of government school enrolments by year level — is dated February 2015. That is 18 months ago. When will up-to-date statistics be published on the DET website?

Mr HERBERT (Minister for Training and Skills) — I refer to my previous answer in terms of our absolute commitment to schools education in this state and the massive investment we are making in it. On the specifics of the question, I would be happy to refer that to the excellent Minister for Education, James Merlino, who is doing a fabulous job and seek a written response to your question.