Questions on notice: Public transport


6647. MR BARBER — To ask the Minister for Agriculture (for the Minister for Public Transport): The 2016-17 State Budget has allocated “$5 million for development work for new tracks between Upfield and Somerton that can support new V/Line services to Wallan”, with the expected completion date in the fourth quarter of 2017-18:

(1)    Will the new tracks between Upfield and Somerton be single or double track.

(2)    When will the Upfield to Somerton line be completed.

(3)    As part of this project will the existing line between Gowrie and Upfield be duplicated.

(4)    Is it planned to build a grade separation at the intersection of the Upfield line and Camp Road.

(5)    Is it planned to reinstitute the Campbellfield railway station at the intersection of Camp Road.

(6)    Is it planned to electrify the line from Craigieburn to Wallan, and if so, when.

(7)    When will Seymour services commence to operate on the Upfield line.

(8)    What impacts on Upfield services will result from the Seymour services operating on the Upfield line.

(9)    Are there any plans to increase Upfield service frequencies, and if so, when.


The 2016-17 State Budget allocated $5 million in funding for planning for the enhancement of the Upfield–Somerton–Wallan rail corridor. The funding will be used to undertake planning relating to the operation of passenger rail services between Upfield and Wallan/Seymour. This work will consider the service planning for the corridor and associated infrastructure requirements in the short, medium and long term, consistent with relevant priorities for the Hume region in the Regional Network Development Plan.

The Government is not in a position to pre-empt the planning work undertaken for the Upfield-Somerton-Wallan rail corridor or its outcomes, including with respect to the scope or timelines for any recommended infrastructure upgrades or service changes.

Track configurations between Gowrie and Somerton via Upfield, regional service enhancements for the Wallan/Seymour line and their integration with metropolitan services on the Upfield line will be considerations for the planning work undertaken. The planning will also consider delivery timelines and staging which aim to optimise the response to the demand over time for rail services on the Wallan/Seymour corridor.

The State Government has committed to grade separating Camp Road where it intersects with the Upfield line as part of the level crossing removal program.

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