Questions Without Notice: Christmas Day public holiday


Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, Mr Dalidakis. Minister, could you please detail to the house why it is that Victoria is the only state which has not declared an additional public holiday when Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday?

[Speech was interrupted.]

Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — Thank you, Minister, for seemingly confirming that Victoria is the only state where there is no declared additional public holiday and that that was the status quo presumably under the Baillieu government and the Brumby government and the Bracks government as well. In your answer to my substantive question you said that that will not change in 2016. Can you tell me if this is under any kind of review at the moment — formally, I mean — and whether it is likely that Victorian workers will not be as disadvantaged sometime in the future?

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