Questions without notice: Murray Basin rail project


Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Regional Development, Ms Pulford. In relation to the passenger rail options component of the Murray Basin rail project, can the minister provide the house with any detail about how the government is going in considering different options and what work has been done, and what information can she provide us with about the possibility of including passenger rail in the project?

[Speech was interrupted.]

Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I thank the minister for that undertaking. In seeking that further information could she find out for the information of the chamber whether the government has looked at possible patterns of service schedules for passenger rail services, whether there has been an investigation of what rolling stock would be required and what upgrade of facilities would be necessary to provide for passengers at stations along the route, and could she provide that information to the house? That is, I am asking whether specific options have started to be considered. That way I will not have to move another documents motion asking for possibly a large number of documents that the government might find onerous to comply with.

[Speech was interrupted.]

Mr Barber — Yes, I have read that.

[Speech was interrupted.]

Mr Barber — Yes.

[Speech was interrupted.]

Mr Barber — It says passenger rail could be an impediment to the project. I have read that.

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