Residential Height Limits


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Planning. The reforms to the planning scheme for residential zones introduced by the state government in 2013 provide for the ability to specify mandatory maximum height limits for a category of developments described in the planning scheme as 'residential'. However, the reforms introduced a loophole in that the definition of residential excludes amongst other uses independent living units and retirement villages.

These developments are by their very nature residential, yet in terms of Victoria's planning provisions, applicants can get away with development standards that would not apply to an apartment block, undermining local government's ability to achieve neighbourhood character objectives.

This loophole has the potential to be exploited by developers. An example of this is the recent planning application in Glen Eira City Council for a retirement home of some 19 storeys in the neighbourhood residential zone, a zone which has a maximum height limit of 8 metres for residential developments. I call on the Minister for Planning to act to close this loophole so that mandatory maximum height limits can apply to all buildings in residential zones, not just those that meet the planning scheme definition of a dwelling or residential building.