Returned and Services League


Ms PENNICUIK — I would like to acknowledge that the RSL is marking its 100th anniversary. The RSL was formed in June 1916 by returned servicemen to remember those who had not returned and to help each other out. So many World War I veterans were injured physically and/or psychologically, and there was little if any government welfare. The RSL established programs, including retraining and employment programs, to support veterans and their families. It was instrumental in creating the commonwealth repatriation scheme and service, disability and war widow pensions. On a personal level, my grandfather was a founding member of the Caulfield RSL, and my father was also a long-term member there. Like thousands of other veterans from World War I, World War II and conflicts since, they found support and friendship at the RSL and were also able to support and help others who needed it. The RSL has played a significant and, for many, life-saving role in Australia for 100 years, as the President outlined at the start of proceedings today.