Ridesourcing Services - Committee


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — In terms of this particular inquiry I think it is important to note that as part of the inquiry into ridesourcing services there were of course the issues around compensation for taxi licences that played a part in that inquiry. For that inquiry, what was going to be contained in a bill was pure speculation, and noone really knew what the content of the bill would be, which we now know as the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Bill 2017. I think the unfortunate thing was that we really did not get the opportunity to examine that bill as part of this particular inquiry. There is no doubt that ride sourcing and that particular bill are interrelated in terms of the matters they deal with.

Although I recognise that we did have a looming tabling date for this report, I am disappointed that we did not extend that date, perhaps take into account that bill and have a really full examination of the bill as part of the inquiry. It is certainly something that would have been possible, and I think the only decent opportunity we really had was in terms of hearing evidence from the State Revenue Office. In relation to compliance, I am not sure whether I have confidence in companies whose records are located internationally, nor how easy that will be for the State Revenue Office to fulfil its obligations.

I can see the clock is ticking down, so I say thank you very much to the secretariat of this particular inquiry. They worked very hard, and I thank them for their diligence in relation to this matter.
Motion agreed to.