Tabling of Petition: Plastic Bag Free Victoria


To the Legislative Council of Victoria:

The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council:

Australians use billions of limited-use plastic bags (single-use lightweight plastic bags and thicker department-style plastic bags) every year, most of which end up in the waste stream.

Plastic bags are a major threat to our land, waterways and ocean environments. They block stormwater drains and entrap wildlife. Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down and because it is not biodegradable, it never fully goes away. When the non-organic plastic particles that remain are eaten by marine animals, they enter the food chain.

Eliminating limited-use plastic bags requires negligible infrastructure and will save on local and state government clean-up costs. South Australia, Tasmania, ACT and the Northern Territory have introduced bans on the distribution of single-use lightweight plastic bags at retail points of sale. A review of the ban in South Australia recommends considering an extension of the ban to include all limited-use plastic bags.

Victoria must introduce a ban on limited-use plastic bags as a matter of urgency.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council of Victoria call on the Victorian government to introduce legislation for the purpose of putting a ban on limited-use plastic bags distributed at retail points of sale in Victoria.

By Ms SPRINGLE (South Eastern Metropolitan) (11 800 signatures).

Laid on table.

Ordered to be considered next day on motion of Ms SPRINGLE (South Eastern Metropolitan).