Timber Industry Taskforce and Advisory Group


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Special Minister of State. Considering the Premier’s Forest Industry Taskforce has not been able to produce a final report of substance, is the Premier keeping it as an ongoing concern as a delaying tactic to put off any decisions on the future of native forest logging in Victoria?

Mr JENNINGS (Special Minister of State) — No.

Supplementary question

Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — Thank you, Special Minister of State. My supplementary question is: did the Special Minister of State take the deliberative negotiations on the supply of logs to Australian Sustainable Hardwoods out of the Premier’s Forest Industry Taskforce and hand it to a hastily convened advisory group because in the state of Victoria the forestry division of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union calls the shots?

Mr JENNINGS (Special Minister of State) — No.