Vale Jo Cox


Statement in Partliament: My member’s statement today is also in regard to Jo Cox. I think we have all been quite shocked by her death. I know when I heard about it I immediately thought that she did what we do every week. We go to constituents meetings and we meet with our community.

I also received a letter from Oxfam about something I think is just one of those little jobs we could all do. The letter says:

"We know that you, like the rest of the world, were appalled by the abhorrent violence enacted upon Jo Cox and the entire British nation last week. It goes without saying that an attack on a democratic representative is an attack on democracy itself. Jo is especially dear to our hearts at Oxfam."

She joined the team in 2001 and worked for Oxfam Great Britain and Oxfam International until 2009 in a variety of different roles based in Brussels, London and New York. During this time Jo spearheaded important work on trade reform, essential services, humanitarian issues, including the conflicts in Darfur and the DRC.

It is important that we make Jo’s legacy persistent— so Oxfam is calling upon us to sign a petition that has been created by Crisis Action. For anybody who would like that information I am very happy to email it to people who do not have it, because I think it is important that as MPs we put our name to this petition.