VicForests' surveys


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Agriculture. Can the minister advise how and when VicForests will change their approach to targeted pre-logging fauna surveying, and will VicForests from now on survey every coupe that is likely to contain protected species?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I thank Ms Dunn for her question. I note that Ms Dunn, to the best of my knowledge, has not yet taken up the opportunity to have a question and answer session for as long as she would like with VicForests on these matters. I would again urge Ms Dunn to avail herself of that opportunity. 

In response to the member’s question, the arrangements that are in place do provide for the monitoring and protection of protected species. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and VicForests work closely on ensuring protection of in particular protected species but also of the natural environment. It is important to note that it is a very, very small proportion of public land in Victoria that is available for the logging industry. I know that the Greens like shutting stuff down and shutting industries down and that this would be their no. 1 favourite industry to shut down, but our government supports a sustainable logging industry. We are committed to ensuring that the balance is right and that those protections are in place, because this industry supports the jobs of around 21 000 people in Victoria. 

I know the Greens do not give really a hoot about that, but we do, so we will continue to ensure that VicForests is conducting harvesting work and managing its contractors to ensure the preservation of those environmental values that we hold dear. I again urge Ms Dunn to take up the opportunity to talk these issues through with VicForests until she runs out of questions.

Supplementary question

Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I thank the minister for her answer. I am currently wrangling my diary at the moment on behalf of members, but there is a role for accountability in this house. With that, my supplementary question is: does the minister see that there is a conflict of interest in VicForests undertaking its own targeted pre-logging fauna surveys as it is in its own commercial interest to not find protected species?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — That question is just ridiculous, and the suggestion that I have avoided answering questions on this topic is also ridiculous. I am sure when Ms Dunn sees it as a priority to squeeze VicForests into her very busy schedule for a never-ending question-and-answer session on matters on which there have been more than 50 questions in question time in this Parliament and at least twice as many questions on notice we can all move on, but Ms Dunn will not rest as long as there is a timber industry in Victoria.

I can assure Ms Dunn that VicForests takes absolutely seriously and is very committed to ensuring that it undertakes its work in accordance with the principles and arrangements that are there to protect our endangered species and other environmental values that the Victorian community holds dear. I will just add to that — —

The PRESIDENT — Order! Time!