VicForests' Third-Party Suppliers


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. In the VicForests Annual Report 2015-16 it states that VicForests spent $810 000 purchasing third-party logs. It is understood these are imported from New South Wales. Did VicForests import sawlogs from New South Wales to sell at a loss to Australian Sustainable Hardwoods?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I thank Ms Dunn for her question and her interest in VicForests annual report, which demonstrates another very good year of strong performance by VicForests. I will provide Ms Dunn with a written response to her question, but Ms Dunn can probably reasonably expect that that will not contain expansive detail about individual contractual arrangements relating to the companies that VicForests deals with, because that would not be appropriate.

Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — Thank you, Minister, and summary information will perfectly satisfy the question.

My supplementary is the VicForests Annual Report 2015-16 states that claims were made for commercial losses against VicForests in relation to alleged non-performance under a timber sale agreement. It is understood these claims were lodged by Australian Sustainable Hardwoods. Can the Minister explain why VicForests is selling imported sawlogs to an entity which is simultaneously suing VicForests for a breach of a timber sale agreement?

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I thank Ms Dunn for her question. Again, resisting the temptation to comment on matters that are currently subject to legal proceedings or otherwise sensitive commercial matters, I will provide Ms Dunn with a written response.