Victorian News

Truck danger in Footscray

8 November, 2016 - Constituency question: My question is for the Minister for Agriculture, Ms Pulford, in her capacity of representing the Minister for Roads an...

Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016

7 November, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I am pleased to rise to speak on the Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016. At ...

Premier Andrews lacks transparency on Western Distributor

7 November, 2016 - Members Statement: For the past year I have been urging the Andrews government to reveal critical information regarding the proposed western ...

Victorian Greens celebrate record-breaking council elections

4 November, 2016 - The Victorian Greens are celebrating final results showing that the 2016 local government election has delivered a record number of Greens co...

Inner-city suburbs move to the Left

2 November, 2016 - A strong showing in last month’s council elections delivered the Greens 29 council spots across the state — 11 more than in 2012.

Level Crossing Removals and the Ramsar convention

1 November, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise today to speak on Mrs Peulich's motion 332. Certainly the Victorian Greens welcome debate on this mot...

Paid Parental Leave

28 October, 2016 - Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale has urged the crossbench to put working mums first in their negotiations with the Government on pa...

Greens urge Minister to bring in pill testing

27 October, 2016 - My adjournment matter tonight is for the Minister for Mental Health, Martin Foley. This past week has been yet another tragic reminder of the...

How many more trucks will be diverted through the inner west?

27 October, 2016 - Constituency question: My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. As the minister would be aware, there are some...

Land (Revocation of Reservations - Regional Victoria Land) Bill 2016

27 October, 2016 - MR BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — The Greens have considered carefully the issues associated with the revocation of the reservations over f...

Vicforests is an economic dud: Greens

27 October, 2016 - Greens forests spokesperson Samantha Dunn says VicForests new annual report shows the Government owned logging company is an economic dud.“Vi...

Victorian Fisheries Authority Bill 2016

27 October, 2016 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — One of the promises from the Target One Million policy is to undertake a statewide recreational catch sur...