Victorian News


27 September, 2016 -


27 September, 2016 -


27 September, 2016 - Article Type:  Video & Multimedia


27 September, 2016 - Article Type: Video & Multimedia

Victorian Government lets Western Bulldogs fans down

27 September, 2016 - The Labor State Government’s approval of AFL’s ticket allocation for the Grand Final has meant thousands of Western Bulldogs members will m...

Labor must rule out a plebiscite once and for all

23 September, 2016 - Labor must rule out a plebiscite once and for all The Greens have called on Labor to immediately and completely rule out supporting a harmf...

Melbourne train overcrowding worsens, again...

22 September, 2016 - Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber says new PTV data shows train overcrowding has gotten worse in the past year. "After four years in oppo...

Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016

16 September, 2016 - Senator DI NATALE I rise to speak against the Budget Savings (Omnibus) Bill 2016. Let me begin, for the benefit of those people who may be ...

There is opportunity in our climate crisis, but we must take a different direction

16 September, 2016 - This week has been a big one for me. From dawn to late at night, I have been flat out, bumper to bumper. I know most of my fellow senators ...

Coal-fired power stations

15 September, 2016 - MR BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — Labor, you have got a bit of a problem. One of your coal-fired power stations plans to expand its capac...

Constituency Question: Access to Caulfield Racecourse Reserve

15 September, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and relates ...

It's time to put love into law

15 September, 2016 - I rise to speak on the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013. This bill has actually been on the books since 29 September 2010, introduced ...

Question without notice: School data

15 September, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Training and Skills in his capacity representing the Minister fo...

Smoking laws should protect all Victorians

15 September, 2016 - Victorian Greens amendments to the Andrews Government's new smoking laws have passed the upper house, adding pressure to calls for a govern...