Victorian News

Omnicuts short change ARENA and Australia’s most vulnerable

13 September, 2016 - Australian Greens Leader Senator Di Natale, Spokesperson for Community Services Senator Siewert and Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Cha...

Omnicuts short change ARENA and Australia’s most vulnerable

13 September, 2016 - Australian Greens Leader Senator Di Natale, Spokesperson for Community Services Senator Siewert and Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Cha...

Prioritise Brimbank Park Asbestos Removal

13 September, 2016 - Question in parliament: My question is for the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change. It has come to my attention due to comm...

Questions on notice: Public transport

13 September, 2016 - 6647. MR BARBER — To ask the Minister for Agriculture (for the Minister for Public Transport): The 2016-17 State Budget has allocated “$5 m...

Senate tells Joyce to think again on cost-benefit analysis for pesticides agency move

13 September, 2016 - Senate tells Joyce to think again on cost-benefit analysis for pesticides agency move A Greens motion has passed the Senate that gives Agri...

The government has fallen in line with industry spin on Regional Forest Agreements

13 September, 2016 - I also rise to speak to the motion that the Senate take note of the Australian and Tasmanian Government Response to the Review of the Imple...

Transparency, accountability and responsibilities of our rural research and development corporations

13 September, 2016 - I rise today to speak to the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Amendment Bill 2016. I am pleased to say that this is the fir...

Turnbull caves in on plebiscite funding

13 September, 2016 - Turnbull caves in on plebiscite funding The Greens have urged Labor to fully commit to block any marriage equality plebiscite, after Cabine...

We need assisted dying as well as proper advance care directive laws

13 September, 2016 - Victorian Greens health spokesperson Colleen Hartland welcomes the Government’s critical improvements to advance care planning but says the...

Yet Another VicForests Incident

13 September, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Agriculture. I draw the minister’s attention to yet another incident of...

Cross-party marriage equality bill introduced into Parliament

12 September, 2016 - Greens MP Adam Bandt today introduced the cross-party marriage equality bill into the House of Representatives. The bill is co-sponsored by...

Crossbench unite with the Greens against Government’s cruel cuts

12 September, 2016 - Australian Greens Leader Senator Di Natale and Spokesperson for Community Services Senator Siewert have spoken out against the cruel cuts i...

Greens condemn Government’s response to Tasmanian RFA Review

12 September, 2016 - The Government’s response to the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement is an endorsement of the industry’s unsustainability and unviability, ...

Release APVMA cost-benefit analysis, say Greens

11 September, 2016 - Release APVMA cost-benefit analysis, say Greens The Greens have called on the Agriculture Minister to release the cost-benefit analysis of ...

CSIRO boss’ reprieve is chance for him to change direction: Bandt

9 September, 2016 - Greens Science, Research and Innovation spokesperson Adam Bandt today said the reappointment of CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall is a chance for him...