Victorian News

Notices of motion

1 September, 2016 - MR BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I will be reasonably brief. The only matter that we ought to be debating in this chamber here today — th...

Question without Notice: Duck Season

1 September, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — People in Victoria oppose duck shooting based on the cruelty that is involved in the annual duck shoo...

Questions without notice

1 September, 2016 - Mr Barber — On a point of order, President, on Tuesday I asked a question of the minister representing the Minister for Energy, Environment ...

Citizen Scientists

31 August, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. Minister, is it more cost-effective for VicForests to utilis...

Eltham Leisure Centre Asbestos Removal

31 August, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Local Government. My constituent has raised the issue of asb...

Government stacked climate authority calls for coal phase out but fails to set out post-Paris pathway

31 August, 2016 - Greens climate and energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt, said the government must listen to its own Climate Change Authority’s call to phase out co...

High Court delivers government body blow with oil & gas project decision

31 August, 2016 - Greens Employment & Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today welcomed the High Court’s decision to rule against the government’s ...

Hurstbridge Line Shared Use Trail

31 August, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is to the Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan, in relation to the northern ...

Legislative Council vacancy

31 August, 2016 - MR BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — The Greens will support the motion. This is the second time that Ms Wooldridge has moved this motion, but ...

Local Government (Electoral) Regulations 2016

31 August, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise to speak on Mr Davis's motion that clause 38 of the Local Government (Electoral) Regulations 2016 be d...

Motion - International Overdose Awareness Day

31 August, 2016 - I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i)   today is the 15th annual International Overdose Awareness Day, commemorating all those who have...

Opening of the 45th Parliament

31 August, 2016 - I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land that we are meeting on, the Ngunawal people, and I want to pay my respects to thei...

Public Transport Victoria CCTV Footage

31 August, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Public Transport. Protective services officers working at train...

Senate says Government should cease use of sniffer dogs at festivals

31 August, 2016 - The Senate is calling on the Turnbull Government to implement pill testing, more supervised injecting rooms and cease the use of sniffer dogs ...

Senator Richard Di Natale's Address in Reply Speech

31 August, 2016 - I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land that we are meeting on, the Ngunawal people, and I want to pay my respects to thei...