Victorian News

Trades Hall

25 May, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I am pleased to see that the state government has allocated $10 million to help repair and restore the Vic...

Voluntary pre-commitment fails to curb problem gambling

24 May, 2016 - Voluntary pre-commitment has failed  Greens gambling spokesperson Colleen Hartland says the state budget papers prove that Voluntary Pre-Commitme...

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2016

24 May, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — The Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2016, which we are debating at present, is not a very long bill. It ...

Greens back new approach to suicide prevention

24 May, 2016 - Greens back new approach to suicide prevention The Greens have backed calls for the development and introduction of a new approach to suicide pre...

Greens commit to reducing mental health gap for country Victorians

24 May, 2016 - Greens commit to reducing mental health gap for country Victorians The Greens have announced a $280 million plan to bridge the divide between men...

Parliamentary Budget Officer Bill 2016

24 May, 2016 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — The establishment of a Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) will give Victorian voters and even other observers...

Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Amendment (Community Safety) Bill 2016

24 May, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — The bill before us, the Serious Sex Offenders (Detention and Supervision) Amendment (Community Safety) Bil...

Greens announce $1.4 billion boost for mental health sector

23 May, 2016 - Greens announce $1.4 billion boost for mental health sector The Greens have announced a mental health package that turns the system’s focus to pr...

Greens announce $1.4 billion boost for mental health sector

23 May, 2016 - Greens announce $1.4 billion boost for mental health sector The Greens have announced a mental health package that turns the system’s focus to pr...

Greens unveil plans for an Innovation Nation

23 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens have today released a comprehensive Innovation Policy to back startup enterprises, support STEM education and boost innovat...

Bicycle Parking at events

22 May, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Tourism and Major Events, John Eren. The action I seek is that the...

State Taxation and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2016

21 May, 2016 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — In fact all projections — and certainly those up to 2020 — are that Victoria's consumption of energy is in de...

Council and Community want truck bans and parkland protection

20 May, 2016 - Greens welcome aspects of the City of Maribyrnong resolution on the Western Distributor, but call for stronger action. “The community and the Loc...

Greens welcome local traders proposal to manage drug issues in Richmond

20 May, 2016 - The Greens today said the proposal from local traders in Richmond to support a supervised injecting facility for the area and not simply CCTV cam...

Stop this four-story high freeway disaster

20 May, 2016 - The Greens have slammed the Labor Government design of the Western Distributor that would see ramps over the West Gate Freeway four stories high....