Victorian News

Rooming House Operators Bill 2016 --- 2nd reading speech --- 5 May 2016

6 May, 2016 - Ms SPRINGLE (South Eastern Metropolitan) — The Greens will be voting in favour of the Rooming House Operators Bill 2015. Overall it is a good bill...

Second Reading Speech --- Consumer Acts and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2016 --- 3 May 2016

6 May, 2016 - The Greens are supportive of the majority of the provisions in this bill. The majority of the bill is indeed housekeeping, but it would be a mista...

Victorian solar users the winners under Greens battery storage plan

6 May, 2016 - Victorian solar users the winners under Greens battery storage plan Nearly 300,000 Victorian solar users would receive a 50 per cent refundable ta...

Budget in Reply

5 May, 2016 - Senator DI NATALE This budget, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison's first, is a massive let-down for the people of Australia. Just as they have b...

Call for jump racing to banned after two horse deaths at Warrnambool

5 May, 2016 - Bridget Judd, ABC The World Today ELEANOR HALL: The future of jumps racing in Victoria is under the microscope, after the deaths of two horses in ...

Constituency Question - Hurstbridge line frequency

5 May, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — Thank you, Deputy President, and I thank members of the house too. My constituency question is to the Minister fo...

Greens call for safer guidelines for children at pokies venues

5 May, 2016 - Adjournment speech in Partliament: My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, and it relates to...

Greens support CFA pledge

5 May, 2016 - Eastern Metropolitan Member of Parliament Samantha Dunn, and Greens Candidate for Menzies Richard Cranston visited the Warrandyte CFA on the April...

Labor's parkland hypocrisy

5 May, 2016 - Greens accuse Labor of hypocrisy when it comes to parkland protection on major infrastrucutre projects. While Labor prioritised protection of Roya...

Local paper should not involved destruction of native forests

5 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens support the use of Australian paper if it is paper produced from plantation stock and from recycled stock, so it does not in...

Question without notice: The Budget

5 May, 2016 - Senator DI NATALE My question is to the minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Brandis. Last night, the budget did not mention global w...

St Georges Road Median Strip

5 May, 2016 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water. As the minister would be ...

Dr John Kaye

4 May, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — Greens New South Wales MLC Dr John Kaye died this week from cancer. The Australian Greens, and especially t...

Budget a ‘house of cards’; super measures underwhelming

4 May, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the government’s so-called new ‘Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset’ (LISTO) is really just...