Victorian News

Budget closes curtains on opportunity to restore Australian Arts: Greens

4 May, 2016 - Greens Arts spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison closed the curtains on the opportunity to restore funding, i...

Budget fails people outside the major cities

4 May, 2016 - Budget fails people outside the major cities Malcolm Turnbull’s first budget has let down regional and rural Victorians, say the Greens. “This Bud...

Constituency Question: Kew Residential Services

4 May, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is to the minister for major projects and concerns the redevelopment of Kew Reside...

CSIRO cuts were ill-considered and must be reversed

4 May, 2016 - I want to speak in particular to the third report of this select committee, which was into the cuts to CSIRO science programs, and in particular t...

Dental Care

4 May, 2016 - Senator DI NATALE I move: That the Senate— (a)   recognises the success of the Child Dental Benefits Scheme, which has provided access to dental c...

Federal budget

4 May, 2016 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I have heard that up in Canberra last night the Greens were playing a drinking game. Every time the federal Tr...

Fines Reform and Infringements Acts Amendment Bill 2016

4 May, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I am happy to speak on the Fines Reform and Infringements Acts Amendment Bill 2016. This bill makes amendme...

Greens call for Casino Problem Gambling Report

4 May, 2016 - Motion in Parliament:—I move: That in accordance with standing order 11.01, there be tabled in the Council by 12 noon on Wednesday, 8 June 2016, a...

Greens call for immediate end to horse jumps racing

4 May, 2016 - Greens animal welfare spokesperson Sue Pennicuik has called for the Andrews Government to immediately suspend the 2016 jumps racing season followi...

Greens call on Minister to stop the jumps racing season

4 May, 2016 - Greens animal welfare spokesperson Sue Pennicuik, has called for the Andrews Government to immediately suspend the 2016 jumps racing season follow...

Greens confirm support for new bail laws for young offenders

4 May, 2016 - The Greens stand by our support for the changes to bail laws for minors to address serious concerns at the high number of children and teenagers l...

Hospital Funding in Regional Victoria

4 May, 2016 - Senator DI NATALE I move: That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Prime Minister (Senator Brandis), no later than 3 pm on...

Leadbeater’s Possum colony safe for now

4 May, 2016 - After fierce questioning by Greens Spokesperson for Forests, Samantha Dunn, Labor has backed down and granted a temporary reprieve to the Leadbeat...

Question without notice - Imperium Coupe

4 May, 2016 - Ms DUNN: My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. It is in relation to the Imperium logging coupe in the Central Highlands of Victoria. I ...

Question without notice - Saw Mill Grant

4 May, 2016 - Ms DUNN  My question is to the Minister for Agriculture. In April the government provided a $100 000 grant to the Ryan and McNulty timber mill in ...