Victorian News

Mining royalty increase should fund energy transition

23 April, 2016 - Greens energy spokesperson Ellen Sandell says revenue raised by increasing mining royalties should be invested in transitioning Victoria’s ener...

Australian Greens pledge to implement Paris Agreement

22 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens have joined with over 90 Greens parties around the world in committing to implement the Paris Agreement, reached at the U...

Greens commit to fairer students with disability funding

22 April, 2016 - The Greens have committed to increase resources for students with disability by $4.8 billion over the next four years, as part of a comprehensi...

Greens push Labor to keep deficit levy

21 April, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Greens have forced Labor to consider making the deficit levy permanent and called on ...

Greens slam pokies playground expansion

21 April, 2016 - The Greens have slammed the Gambling Regulator decision to allow 10 more pokies machines at Langwarrin Hotel becuase they are installing a chil...

Greens urge Victorian government to ban plastics immediately following Senate report

21 April, 2016 - The Senate Inquiry’s report into The Threat of Marine Plastic Pollution in Australia, released today, is the clearest statement yet about the u...

Greens urge Victorian government to ban plastics immediately following Senate report

21 April, 2016 - The Senate Inquiry’s report into The Threat of Marine Plastic Pollution in Australia, released today, is the clearest statement yet about the u...

There is a new way for our native forests

21 April, 2016 - Two weeks ago, Senator Di Natale and I made the short trip to Victoria's Central Highlands—on Melbourne's doorstep—and met with local community...

Brickworks political donation interests extend to native forest burning and logging

20 April, 2016 - The Greens reiterate their call made on ABC's 7.30 program for an investigation into Brickworks and the influence of its political donations, s...

Cautious welcome as government adopts Greens super plan: Bandt

20 April, 2016 - In response to reports the government is set to lower superannuation tax concessions for people earning over $180,000, Greens Treasury spokespe...

CSIRO docs show public good is being ignored

20 April, 2016 - I move: That the Senate take note of the document. The documents that have been received out of sitting are the final documents that we have re...

Leaked Great Forest National Park Report Inaccurate, Biased

20 April, 2016 - Samantha Dunn, Greens spokesperson for forests, says that a leaked report commissioned by the Yarra Ranges Council is unreliable at best, biase...

National Anti-Corruption Commission

20 April, 2016 - Senator DI NATALE My question is to the Attorney-General, Senator Brandis. The government and the opposition both claim that no national indepe...

Recalling the Senate

20 April, 2016 - Senator DI NATALE It is remarkable that the Prime Minister felt that it was so important to bring back the parliament just so that we could eng...

Time to clean up politics

20 April, 2016 - The Australian Greens are today calling on the Labor, Liberal and National parties to work with them to clean up politics.  “Today I’m calling ...