Victorian News

PM puts LGBTI young people at risk by caving into backbench bullies

18 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens have slammed the Government's decision to wind back the Safe Schools Coalition after the conservative backbench demanded ...

Voters will decide next election result

18 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens are proud to have reformed the Senate voting system to allow voters to choose their own preferences above the line, and n...

Labor sides with the Liberals to dodge marriage equality vote

17 March, 2016 - The Greens are disappointed that the Australian Labor Party has sided with the Liberals to prevent a vote on marriage equality in the parliamen...

If we ring the bells now we can be hearing wedding bells in no time

17 March, 2016 - I am so proud to be standing here today to debate the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013, and proud to be a member of a loving same-sex coup...

Raise revenue from those who can most afford to pay

17 March, 2016 - Analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Office shows the government could raise more than $4 billion over the forward estimates by making the temp...

Sarah Hanson-Young named a World Economic Forum, Young Global Leader for 2016

17 March, 2016 - The Leader of the Australian Greens, Richard Di Natale, has congratulated his colleague Sarah Hanson-Young on being named a World Economic Foru...

The Greens vision for active transport

17 March, 2016 -   When I first arrived in this place, I did so by bike. With the support of a dedicated team of volunteers, we rode from Melbourne, through Vic...

Adjournment - Strathmore Secondary College

16 March, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. I refer to a recent Age article headed 'C...

Children’s Legislation Amendment Bill 2016

16 March, 2016 - NINA SPRINGLE: The Greens support this bill. We support any measure that will result in better protection and better outcomes for children in t...

Fairness sits at the centre of our democracy

16 March, 2016 - Fairness sits at the centre of our democracy. People should be able to go the polling booths with the knowledge that their vote will go where t...

Member’s Statement on International Women’s Day

16 March, 2016 - As has been noted, today is International Women's Day, a day that started over a century ago in the US and Europe as a recognition of women's w...

The Government must ignore conservative tantrums on Safe Schools: Greens

16 March, 2016 - The backbench MPs opposed to the Safe Schools Coalition must drop their attack on the program following the Government's review and move on, sa...

Time for Turnbull to stand for something and protect LGBTI youth

16 March, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to the conservative backbenchers trying to derail and discred...

Turnbull refuses to back Chief Scientist on climate

16 March, 2016 - Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today refused to back his own Chief Scientist on climate change when asked by Greens MP Adam Bandt in Question ...

Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of Melbourne Lease Transaction) Bill 2015

10 March, 2016 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — Deputy President, because I had already made my contribution to the second-reading speech on the bill befor...