Victorian News

QT: Will the govt revoke Alcoa’s temporary shipping licence

4 December, 2015 - Senator RICE (Victoria): My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Senator Colbec...

Question without notice: Child Protection 2

4 December, 2015 - Ms SPRINGLE (South Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Families and Children. Under the Children, Youth and Families ...

Registered Training Orgnanisations

4 December, 2015 -   Ms SPRINGLE (South Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Training and Skills, and it is about the cap on registered tr...

Safe Access Zones Second Reading Speech

4 December, 2015 - The Greens are very pleased that the Parliament will pass the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2015 tonight. Th...

Terrorist attacks: Member's statement

4 December, 2015 - In the same light as the President and Ms Patten, I take this opportunity as the Victorian Greens spokesperson for multicultural affairs to f...

Congestion will reign on Melbourne roads if Turnbull splurges on Western Distributor toll road

3 December, 2015 - Congestion will reign on Melbourne roads if Turnbull splurges on Western Distributor toll road With Victorian Labor steamrolling ahead on yet...

Government to support Greens amendments on corporate tax avoidance

3 December, 2015 - A standoff between the Turnbull Government and the Senate over multinational tax avoidance will be resolved this morning with the Government'...

Government to support Greens amendments on corporate tax avoidance

3 December, 2015 - A standoff between the Turnbull Government and the Senate over multinational tax avoidance will be resolved this morning with the Government'...

Brandis highlights appalling lack of commitment to addressing climate change

2 December, 2015 - I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Attorney General (Senator Brandis) to a question without notice asked by the Lea...

Government condemns patients to another Christmas as criminals

2 December, 2015 - The Greens say the Turnbull Government has failed to deliver legal access to medicinal cannabis to Australians who've been expecting it by th...

National accounts figures show Australian economy still too reliant on mining exports: Greens

2 December, 2015 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the national accounts released this morning reveal that the Australian economy is still...

Response to the ministerial statement on infrastructure

2 December, 2015 - I move: That the Senate take note of the document. I rise to respond to the annual ministerial infrastructure statement. We really appreciate...

Senate puts ice on government’s ideological super attack

2 December, 2015 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP welcomed the crossbench Senators putting the ice on the government’s ideological attack on super t...

The auto components industry is in crisis and we need to move fast

2 December, 2015 - The Australian Greens recognise that there are significant challenges facing the industries and the workforces of Australia's automotive manu...

Malcolm Turnbull: Pretender in Paris, but clean energy slasher at home

1 December, 2015 - Greens Energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP said today that while Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has committed to double clean energy research ...