Victorian News

Marking the 54th Anniverary of the raising of the Morning Star flag

1 December, 2015 - The Australian Greens have moved a Senate motion marking the 54th Anniverary of the raising of the Morning Star flag - a day celebrated as th...

PM Turnbull must ditch attacks on ARENA & CEFC, double their budgets instead: Greens

1 December, 2015 - Responding to news that the Turnbull government has committed to double research & development investment on clean energy over the next five ...

PM Turnbull must ditch attacks on ARENA & CEFC, double their budgets instead: Greens

1 December, 2015 - Responding to news that the Turnbull government has committed to double research & development investment on clean energy over the next five ...

Olympic Village in Heidelberg West

30 November, 2015 - My constituency question is for the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Minister Foley. There have been serious health and safety c...

Thousands of jobs, cheaper power for Victoria under RenewAustralia plan

30 November, 2015 - Thousands of jobs, cheaper power for Victoria under RenewAustralia plan As the Paris Climate Summit kicks off, the Greens have put forward a...

Labor’s climate announcement leaves Turnbull in the dark ages

27 November, 2015 - Labor's climate targets announced today leave the Turnbull Government isolated but raise serious questions about how Labor will deliver on i...

Lost Dogs Home claims reinforce need for independent regulator

27 November, 2015 - Greens animal welfare spokesperson Sue Pennicuik says allegations made about treatment of animals at the Lost Dogs Home reinforce the need f...

Climate change

26 November, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I find it absolutely astounding that any government at any level anywhere on Earth finds it possible to ...

Greens vote down Turnbull government’s attacks on Australian shipping

26 November, 2015 - Greens vote down Turnbull government’s attacks on Australian shipping The Greens, Labor and Senate crossbenchers have prevented the governme...

Local Government Amendment (Fair Go Rates) Bill 2015

26 November, 2015 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise to speak on the Local Government Amendment (Fair Go Rates) Bill 2015. The bill amends the Local Gove...

More funding needed to see full benefit of mental health response

26 November, 2015 - More funding needed to see full benefit of mental health response The Greens have welcomed the long-overdue response to Australia’s mental h...

Peoples' Climate Marches

26 November, 2015 - This weekend tens of thousands of people will be hitting the street around the country for the Peoples’ Climate Marches. This is our chance ...

QT: where will the funding come from for mental health response

26 November, 2015 -  Senator RICE: My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health, Senator Nash. Mental health touches us all in some way ...

QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE- Political donations

26 November, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Special Minister of State in regard to his responsibilities for the reform and imp...

Timber Industry - VicForests Annual Report

26 November, 2015 - Ms Dunn - My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. The VicForests Annual Report 2014–15 describes current contingent liabilities as ...