Victorian News

Question without notice: Child protection: Siblings

21 September, 2015 - NINA SPRINGLE:  My question again is for the Minister for Families and Children. I direct her attention to Anglicare Victoria's Children in...

Crimes Amendment (Child Pornography and Other Matters) Bill 2015

18 September, 2015 - I rise this evening to speak in the debate on the Crimes Amendment (Child Pornography and Other Matters) Bill 2015. The Greens will be voti...

Greens support Ombudsman’s call for new approach to criminal justice

18 September, 2015 - The Victorian Ombudsman’s report into the rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners is a wake-up call that the endless ‘tough on crime’...

New Western Distributor route riases further questions

18 September, 2015 - The Greens say the new Western Distributor plans raises further questions and concerns, and are calling on Transurban and the Andrews Gover...

Adjournment: Grange Rd, Carnegie, Pedestrian Crossing

17 September, 2015 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Mr Donnellan, and concerns the ...

Electorate office staff

17 September, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — The material and testimony in the Herald Sun this morning, if proven, would represent a serious misuse ...

Firearms Amendment (Trafficking and Other Measures) Bill 2015

17 September, 2015 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — The Greens will be supporting the Firearms Amendment (Trafficking and Other Measures) Bill 2015. Thi...

Greens say F1 Grand Prix should be scrapped not extended

17 September, 2015 - Greens Southern Metropolitan MP Sue Penicuik says she is amazed that the Andrews government has extended the contract of the Melbourne Gran...

Heavy Vehicles Legislation Amendment

17 September, 2015 - MS DUNN — I rise to speak on the Heavy Vehicles Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 in the hope that we do not have to disclose the weight of i...

National Electricity (Victoria) Amendment Bill 2015

17 September, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I was not seeking to write the dust jacket blurb for the bestseller that Mr Davis has already got penne...

National Electricity (Victoria) Amendment Bill 2015

17 September, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I move: That debate on this bill be adjourned until later this day. In doing so I want to provide my ra...

National Electricity (Victoria) Amendment Bill 2015

17 September, 2015 - Debate resumed from earlier this day; motion of Mr JENNINGS (Special Minister of State). Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — We return to o...

PM Turnbull’s economic challenge: tackle inequality, global warming

17 September, 2015 - The Australian Greens have challenged new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to dump the "nope, nope, nope" attitude of his predecessor when i...

PM Turnbull’s economic challenge: tackle inequality, global warming

17 September, 2015 - The Australian Greens have challenged new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to dump the "nope, nope, nope" attitude of his predecessor when i...

Colac Area Health

16 September, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Families and Children, Ms Mikakos. As the minister would be aware, C...