Victorian News

Members Statement - Local government rates

1 September, 2015 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise to condemn the government's full-frontal attack on local government. The Essential Services Commissi...

Infrastructure Victoria Bill 2015

20 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — As others have said, this is a bill to establish an advisory body that will give advice to the government....

Infrastructure Victoria Bill 2015

20 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I will be continuing with my amendment 3 to clause 14, which I believe is also a test of amendment 4, and ...

Felicity Wishart

19 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — With many of my friends I have been mourning the loss of my friend and colleague Felicity Wishart, partner...

Production of documents

19 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I just heard 25 minutes of how great Mr Mulino's government is; I did not hear that we are getting the doc...

Member's statement - Family Access Network

18 August, 2015 - I recently met with the Family Access Network (FAN), based in Box Hill, an amazing organisation which works with homeless young people across ...

Public Accounts and Estimates Committee

18 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — The Greens will not oppose this motion. However, we are concerned that we are being asked to vote on a mat...

Energy Legislation Amendment (Publication of Retail Offers) Bill 2015

6 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — The Greens are supporting this bill. It is nice that the government is making a few changes to its website ...

Hiroshima Day

6 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — Today we mark 70 years since the Hiroshima bomb. We continue to mark Hiroshima Day not only as a reminder o...

Questions Without notice- Points of Order

6 August, 2015 - Mr Barber — On a point of order, President, perhaps I could be of assistance in clarifying the matter that you have just raised. It was the min...

Alcoa (Portland Aluminium Smelter) (Amendment) Act Amendment Bill 2015

5 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — Obviously I will be supporting the amendment. It is an amendment put forward by the Greens to our own bill....

Port of Melbourne Lease

5 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — The Greens will support this motion. I believe the issues and questions Mr Rich-Phillips has put in paragra...

Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of Melbourne Lease Transaction) Bill 2015

4 August, 2015 - Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — As members in this chamber well understand, the Greens are opposed to the proposed sale of the port of Melb...

Recognising Objectors Bill 2015

4 August, 2015 - I rise to speak on the Planning and Environment Amendment (Recognising Objectors) Bill 2015. This is a bill that promises but does not deliver....

Queston on Notice - Value of Forest

2 August, 2015 - MS DUNN — To ask the Special Minister of State (for the Treasurer): In relation to the method of calculation of the reduction in value of regen...