Victorian News

Independent inquiry needed to prevent marginalised communities from being locked up again

14 July, 2020 - As support for an inquiry into the state government’s management of the public housing lockdowns continues to grow across party lines, the Victo...

Greens call for inquiry into management of public housing lockdown

10 July, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have today called for an independent inquiry into how the ‘hard lockdown’ of Flemington and North Melbourne public housing ...

Government must act to prevent other public housing towers being locked down

6 July, 2020 - Preventing a hard lock down of other public housing towers across Melbourne must now be a priority for the Housing Minister. Public housing r...

Victorian Government should put solar and batteries on all 24,000 free-standing public housing homes

4 July, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the state government to put solar and batteries on all free-standing public housing homes on the back of its ...

Victoria continues to fall short when it comes to public school funding

3 July, 2020 - A comparison of state and federal funding agreements has exposed the Andrews Labor Government’s woeful rate of public school funding. Victoria...

Greens call for government grant to turn Portland aluminium smelter into a big battery

2 July, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Andrews Labor Government to end their $200 million taxpayer subsidies for the Portland smelter, and inste...

Greens launch plan to lead Victoria out of recession through renewable energy

2 July, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have launched a renewable energy-led recovery plan for Victoria that, if adopted, would create thousands of jobs, lead us ou...

Victorians need certainty that Somyurek didn't meddle with proposed council ward changes

22 June, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the new minister for local government, Shaun Leane, to ensure that any proposed council ward changes made by...

Greens welcome new senator for Victoria, Lidia Thorpe

20 June, 2020 - The Australian Greens have today announced that Lidia Thorpe will be the next Senator for Victoria, following a massive state-wide ballot of the...

Victoria needs new bail laws to end the over-imprisonment of First Nations people

16 June, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the state government to urgently introduce new bail laws to help reduce the number of First Nations people b...

Andrews must get rid of Somyurek and other Ministers immediately

15 June, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on Premier Andrews to immediately sack Minister Somyurek and all other Ministers involved in the dealings highl...

Somyurek's council-stacking system must be repealed

15 June, 2020 - The Victorian Greens say changes to the Local Government Act that mandated single-member wards on councils must be repealed following last night...

Greens welcome injecting facility announcement but call for changes

5 June, 2020 - Local Greens MPs for Melbourne, Ellen Sandell and Adam Bandt, have welcomed the government’s decision to expand the number of supervised injectin...

Greens call for investment in pop-up bike lanes on World Bicycle Day

3 June, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the state government to immediately invest in pop-up bike lanes around greater Melbourne to help people pract...

Opening up Victoria to gas drilling would be a climate disaster

2 June, 2020 - The Victorian Greens will vote against the state government’s Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 when it passes through the lower house th...