Victorian News

Melbourne Airport rail link needs a Broadmeadows connection

17 December, 2019 - With the state and federal governments set to sign off on the cheaper option of connecting the airport rail link to the suburban network, th...

North East Link approval highlights Victoria's broken environmental laws

6 December, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have called for a complete overhaul of the environmental effects process for major infrastructure projects in Victoria, ...

Release of Victorian transport plan blocked by Labor and minor parties

29 November, 2019 - Victorians will continue to be kept in the dark about the Victorian Government’s transport planning after a Greens amendment was bizarrely d...

Victorians with mental illness deserve the security of a home

28 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the interim report released by the Royal Commission into Mental Health today, but are disappointed that i...

Market-led proposals for transport infrastructure should be scrapped

27 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Government to scrap market led proposals for transport infrastructure and instead focus on developin...

Victoria's waste management system needs a complete overhaul

27 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have echoed the state waste inquiry report’s calls for broad scale reform of Victoria’s waste management system but say...

Separate bin could save over 100,000 tonnes of glass waste from landfill each year

26 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Government to introduce separate glass bins in a bid to save the 107,500 tonnes of glass being sent ...

Victorian Greens call for Royal Commission into planning system

26 November, 2019 - Today the Victorian Greens will introduce a motion calling on the Government to establish a Royal Commission into the state’s planning syste...

Drug use has no age limit and neither should harm reduction

25 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Government to remove restrictions on who can use the Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) in R...

Code Red caused by Government's inaction on climate change

21 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have renewed their calls for the urgent phase out of coal across the state, in light of a Code Red announcement so earl...

The Latrobe Valley deserves a plan and clean jobs, not more coal-fired pipe dreams

19 November, 2019 - The Greens have responded to the recent statements from the CEO of Alinta Energy, Jeff Dimery, who predicted an early closure of the Loy Yan...

Government to pull safety net against injustice out from under vulnerable Victorians

14 November, 2019 - A bill is expected to pass parliament today that would abolish a long-standing right of appeal, despite opposition from the Victorian Greens...

Local Government Bill is a travesty for democracy in Victoria

13 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have come out swinging against Adam Somyurek MP’s proposed Local Government Bill, saying it would put councils up for s...

The Greens and Reason Party make history by joining forces for first ever co-sponsored bill

12 November, 2019 - The Victorian Greens and Reason Party will make history tomorrow when they table a co-sponsored bill introducing a two-year pill testing pil...

Ten more years of logging will drive Leadbeater's possum extinct

7 November, 2019 - Today’s transition away from native forest logging in Victoria is an essential step, but ten years is far too slow. For decades, successiv...