Victorian News

Greens welcome much needed inquiry into gay conversion therapy

17 May, 2018 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the state's inquiry into gay conversion therapy, just two months after the party announced it would establish ...

Greens condemn Palestinian deaths at Gaza Border

15 May, 2018 - Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale today condemned the Israeli military’s killing of more than 50 Palestinians upon the opening...

Statement on Treaty, Sovereignty and our Rights

15 May, 2018 - On the 14th of May 2018, Elders from Clans and First Nations across Victoira came together to talk about the Victoirna Government's proposed trea...

A solution for Victorians living with unsafe cladding

11 May, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are calling on the Andrews Government to take responsibility for the safety of Victorians living in danger from unsafe build...

Adjournment: Yarra Boulevard, Kew

10 May, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Residents living on and near Yarra Bo...

Government and Labor team up to sell out the Murray River and Victorian river communities

10 May, 2018 - “The government and Labor teaming up to cut 605 billion litres of water from the environment, sells out the Murray River and Victorian river comm...

Government and Labor vote down Greens push to reduce truck pollution, greenhouse gases and fuel consumption

10 May, 2018 - The Coalition and Labor have voted against a Greens amendment to a heavy vehicle regulation bill in the senate today that would have lead to redu...

IDAHOBIT 2018 motion passes Senate

10 May, 2018 - Senator RICE (Victoria) (11:55):  I, and on behalf of Senator Pratt, move: That the Senate: (a) notes that:             (i) 17 May 2018 is Intern...

Janet on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and river red gum forests

10 May, 2018 - Senator RICE:  I remember when the Murray-Darling Basin Plan was finalised about a decade ago, and there was such hope. We'd had the millennium d...

Janet Rice on IDAHOBIT and LGBTIQ equality

10 May, 2018 - Senator RICE:  Next Thursday, 17 May, is IDAHOBIT. IDAHOBIT is not something out of Middle Earth or The Lord of the Rings; it's the International...

Members Statement: ABC Elsternwick site

10 May, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — In November last year the famous ABC TV studios in Gordon Street, Elsternwick, officially closed. What is ...

Budget ignores climate change despite rising pollution: Bandt

9 May, 2018 - Budget ignores climate change despite rising pollution: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP said that despite the im...

Greens say Turnbull’s high earner tax cuts are a handout to men, leaving women’s equality further behind

9 May, 2018 - The Greens have used ATO income statistics to highlight that the Turnbull Government’s tax cuts for high income earners will disproportionately be...

Janet on the 70th anniversary of al Nakba – Palestine

9 May, 2018 - Senator RICE (Victoria) (21:12):  Thanks, Mr. Acting Deputy President. Tonight I'm wearing around my neck a pendant of Handala. Handala is a belov...