Victorian News

Greens call for end to cruel live sheep export, start by preventing Awassi Express loading

12 April, 2018 - In the wake of the shocking, cruel deaths of 2800 sheep exported from Perth on the Awassi Express, the Greens are calling on the Turnbull gover...

Greens call for end to cruel live sheep export, start by preventing Awassi Express loading

12 April, 2018 - In the wake of the shocking, cruel deaths of 2800 sheep exported from Perth on the Awassi Express, the Greens are calling on the Turnbull gover...

Greens say Melbourne Airport Rail pledge is welcome, call for route and ownership to put public needs first

12 April, 2018 - Greens transport spokesperson, Victorian Senator Janet Rice, says that Malcolm Turnbull’s pledge for Melbourne Airport Rail is a welcome turnar...

Budget an opportunity to learn the mistakes of past privatisation

10 April, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are calling on Labor to learn from past mistakes and stop outsourcing key government functions in their submission for the...

Australian Government must break its silence on Palestinian killings by Israeli military: Greens

4 April, 2018 - Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale today called on the Australian Government to break its silence over the killing of 17 Palestinians late last ...

Greens renew push for independent body to investigate complaints of police brutality

3 April, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are renewing their calls to establish an independent body to investigate complaints of police brutality in light of a distr...

Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy unapologetic about ‘deceitful’ Good Friday vote

3 April, 2018 - Upper House Greens MP Sue Pennicuik said the new precedent set by the Liberals on Good Friday would have ramifications for everyone in Parliamen...

Government agency’s mass exodus of at least 110 staff due to Barnaby Joyce’s blatant pork barrel, say Greens

29 March, 2018 - New figures showing that an expected mass exodus of 110 staff from the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Agency (APVMA) is entirely...

Greens warn of militarisation of Victoria’s police force

29 March, 2018 - My adjournment this evening is for the Minister for Police.  I refer to the media event last week staged by Victoria Police revealing their ne...

A fair Treaty for Victoria

28 March, 2018 - Today the Victorian Greens are releasing ten guiding principles to help shape the state’s Treaty process, centred on the importance of a Clan-b...

Greens motion to refer Labor MPs to Parliamentary Privileges committee passes Upper House

28 March, 2018 - Today the Victorian Greens motion to refer Labor MPs implicated in the misuse of public funds to a Privileges Committee passed in the Upper Hou...

Labor taking Victorians for a ride with Grand Prix funding

28 March, 2018 - Victoria is currently locked into running the Melbourne Grand Prix until 2023, and the Andrews Government pays approximately $60 million taxpay...

Question Without Notice: Duck Shooting

28 March, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan)  — My question is to the Minister for Agriculture. In the last sitting week I asked you about the number o...

Senate passes motion recognising Transgender Day of Visibility

28 March, 2018 - *788 Senator Rice: To move - That the Senate: 1. Notes that: Saturday March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility; Transgender Day of Visibilit...