Victorian News

Greens support revocation of Westgate Tunnel planning approvals​

8 March, 2018 - Western metro MP Huong Truong says the Greens will today support the revocation of planning approvals for the Westgate Tunnel. The new toll road...

Adjournment: Horse-drawn vehicle safety

7 March, 2018 - My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. On 21 September last year, by way of adjournment, I requested that the mini...

Greens call on Labor and Coalition to support bill to axe tampon tax

7 March, 2018 - The Greens today welcomed Deputy Labor Leader Tanya Plibersek's comments that she wants to see the GST on menstrual hygiene products scrapped an...

Question Without Notice: Duck Shooting

7 March, 2018 - My question is for the Minister for Agriculture and follows from her verbal and written responses to my questions about the ability of the gover...

Duck Hunting: Member's Statement

6 March, 2018 - The majority of the Victorian community is dismayed that yet another duck shooting season will go ahead, with the approval of the government, be...

Fund the new Darebin Sports Stadium

6 March, 2018 - Adjournment speech in Parliament- Lidia Thorpe: My adjournment matter today is for the Minister for Sport. The action I seek is for the minister...

Legislative Council Petition: Public Housing

6 March, 2018 - The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council serious concerns regarding the appro...

Motion: Duck Shooting

6 March, 2018 - Ms Pennicuik: I would like to start my reply to Mr Young's motion by saying that 87 per cent, if not more, of Victorians oppose duck shooting an...

Scrap Cherry Creek detention centre

6 March, 2018 - The Victorian Greens have reaffirmed their opposition to the large scale youth detention centre proposed at Cherry Creek. Submissions to the Inq...

Stop the sell off of Markham Estate

6 March, 2018 - Victorian Greens spokesperson for housing, Samantha Ratnam, has written to the Minister for Housing, Martin Foley, requesting a meeting to discu...

Racing Amendment (Modernisation) Bill 2017

5 March, 2018 - The bill that we have before us—the Racing Amendment (Modernisation) Bill 2017—is a very short bill. It does little if nothing to improve govern...

Duck hunting 2018: Victorian Game Management Authority slammed

2 March, 2018 - VICTORIA’S duck season will go ahead, despite a damning report into the game regulator’s handling of the season last year. The report by Pegasus...

End duck shooting in Victoria now

2 March, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are calling for the Game Management Authority to be shut down and the 2018 duck shooting season to be cancelled following d...

Greens call on Turnbull government to step up to family, domestic and sexual violence crisis

28 February, 2018 - Today’s release of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s report on Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence demonstrates Australia co...