Victorian News

Labor must halt logging of Strathbogie forest home of Greater Glider, say Greens

13 February, 2018 - The Greens are calling on the Victorian Labor government to step in to halt logging by its commercial logging arm VicForests, which has move...

Update regarding Greens processes and membership

10 February, 2018 - As members of the Victorian Greens, you have made an important commitment to be part of a movement for political change that delivers on our...

Bill to repeal the destructive Regional Forest Agreements

8 February, 2018 - I rise today to speak to the bill which I introduced into this place, the Regional Forest Agreements Legislation (Repeal) Bill 2017. This bil...

Illegal logging disallowance - passed by the senate

8 February, 2018 - I rise to speak on this disallowance motion moved by me and by Senators Brown and Hinch. The Greens do not see amending these regulations of ...

Notice of Motion - Dr Hugh Wirth, AM

8 February, 2018 - *692 Senators Di Natale and Rhiannon: To move—That the Senate— (a) notes: (i) the passing, on 5 February 2018, of Dr Hugh Wirth, AM,(ii) that...

Protective Services Officer appears to strike man with baton during Merri Station arrest video

8 February, 2018 - THE Greens have called for an investigation into a dramatic arrest caught on camera at a Northcote train station last night. A Protective Ser...

Adjournment: Beaumaris Bay fossil site

7 February, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and relates to th...

Change the date - January 26

7 February, 2018 - Speech in Parliament - Lidia Thorpe: I rise to grieve for all Victorians and Australians who believe 26 January is not a day of celebration. ...

Greens motion calling for Turnbull Government action on abortion passes Senate

7 February, 2018 - The Senate has today passed a Greens motion calling on the government to ensure safe, surgical abortions are available in public hospitals ac...

Oaths and Affirmations Bill 2017

7 February, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan)  — It is a pleasure to rise to speak on this bill that we have been anticipating for such a long time, b...

Question without Notice: Game management review

7 February, 2018 - PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. Yesterday amendments to the wildlife regulations were ta...

Valedictory Statement: Ms Hartland

7 February, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — May I begin by thanking Mr Jennings and Ms Wooldridge for their very kind words in response to Colleen...

Janet on land clearing in NSW and QLD

6 February, 2018 - This is a response to a resolution of the Senate of 16 August 2017. The motion, moved by my colleague Lee Rhiannon, was about land clearing i...

Janet on nuclear weapons, ICAN and meeting a Nagasaki bombing survivor

6 February, 2018 - I had a rare privilege last week. I met someone who survived the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a hibakusha, Mr Terumi Tanaka. M...

Labor's refugee policy

6 February, 2018 - I am continually astounded by the depth of the depravity and inhumanity of this government in its treatment of the most vulnerable people, re...