Victorian News

RET cutting power bills, but ALP + Libs cutting RET: Bandt

18 December, 2017 - RET cutting power bills, but ALP + Libs cutting RET: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that the A...

Adjournment: Dame Phyllis Frost Centre

14 December, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter this afternoon is for the Minister for Corrections. It follows from the report ...

Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops) Bill 2016

13 December, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I am very pleased to speak this evening on the Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops)...

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Protection of Emergency Workers and Others) Bill 2017

12 December, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (13:56:15) — I rise to speak on the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Protection of Emergency Workers and O...

Members Statement: Marriage Equality

12 December, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (09:47:09) — Last week the Australian Parliament passed the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religiou...

Ombudsman: Implementing Opcat in Victoria - Report and Inspection of the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre

12 December, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I would like to make a statement this evening on the Victorian Ombudsman's report Implementing OPCAT ...

Production of Documents: The Australian Grand Prix

12 December, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (15:09:54) — I move, in amended form: That, in accordance with standing order 11.01, the Leader of the ...

Bandt supports Webb Dock community protest

11 December, 2017 - Media Release Employment and Workplace Relations

Sick and disturbing that emissions continue to rise: Bandt

11 December, 2017 - Sick and disturbing that emissions continue to rise: Bandt In response to reports that Australia’s emissions over the past year are rising, ...

High Court ruling means right to strike at risk

8 December, 2017 - High Court ruling means right to strike at risk Greens industrial relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that the judgement handed d...

Greens call on ALP to back family and domestic violence bill

5 December, 2017 - Greens call on ALP to back family and domestic violence bill Greens spokesperson for employment Adam Bandt MP today welcomed Labor’s announce...

Janet on coastal shipping

5 December, 2017 - I seek leave to move that the Senate take note of the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs Transport Legislation Committee report on the provisi...

Government loses - Bandt's Manus motion passes house

4 December, 2017 - Government loses - Bandt's Manus motion passes house Greens MP for Melbourne, Adam Bandt MP, provides the following comment on the government...

Janet on the report of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency

4 December, 2017 - I wish to take note of the annual report of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. The Workplace Gender Equality Agency's vision is for women ...

Firearms Amendment Bill 2017

30 November, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) (10:49:33) — I am pleased to speak on the Firearms Amendment Bill 2017 today. This bill creates a firea...