Victorian News

Greens condemn Libs coal 'life support' plan

3 April, 2017 - The Greens have condemned Liberal leader Matthew Guy’s plan to deliver government ‘life support’ for uneconomic and environmentally destructive ...

International Transgender Day of Visibility 2017

30 March, 2017 - Each year on 31 March, the International Transgender Day of Visibility brings the trans and gender-diverse community and their friends, advocat...

Barnaby Joyce is talking through his hat on Heyfield mill crisis

27 March, 2017 - The Greens have condemned the Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce’s blundering attempt to wade in to Victorian forest issues, saying these type of short-si...

Mentally ill crime bill fails in Victorian parliament

27 March, 2017 - Alex White, Herald Sun A MOVE to overhaul how courts handle mentally ill criminals has stalled in the state parliament amid concerns more dange...

Students fight for fair fares

27 March, 2017 - CBD News: Greens MLC for Eastern Metropolitan, Samantha Dunn also attended the rally to continue her party’s support for the Fares Fair campaig...

Adjournment - Child safe standards

24 March, 2017 - My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Families and Children. The action I am seeking is that she remove the requirement for government ...

International Day of Forests 2017

24 March, 2017 - Forests are Australia's hidden treasure. Entering our forests, it is invigorating to breathe in the fresh air and hear cascades of clear water,...

Victorian taxpayers set to lose tens of millions of dollars on grand prix again

24 March, 2017 - "Victorian taxpayers are set to lose tens of millions on the F1 grand prix again this weekend for an event that costs around three times as muc...

Education and Care Services National Law Amendment Bill 2017

23 March, 2017 - I rise to speak on the amendments to the Education and Care Services National Law, and I confirm from the outset that the Greens will be suppor...

Heyfield Mill Timber

23 March, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. With the announcement by Australian Sustainable Hardwoods tha...

Question without notice: Duck season (point of order)

23 March, 2017 - Ms Pennicuik — On a point of order, President, yesterday I asked the Minister for Agriculture a question about children on the wetlands during ...

Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill 2015 - Committee

23 March, 2017 - STANDING COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I move: That the report be taken into consideration on t...

$1.4 billion in cuts

22 March, 2017 - Transcript: Following on from the contribution of Senator Wong, I think it is really important that people who are not familiar with the somewh...

902 SmartBus

22 March, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I would like to talk today about public transport. I commend the efforts of my colleagues, Greens MPs and Gree...

Giving more people the freedom to ride their bikes

22 March, 2017 - On a Friday night, just 10 days ago, in the suburbs of Melbourne, a young woman by the name of Arzu was riding her bike from her home in Moonee...