Victorian News

Multiculturalism is a wonderful thing

20 March, 2017 - Today Malcolm Turnbull has given a speech outlining his vision for multicultural Australia. The speech is more warning than welcome, with a foc...

Government marriage rift with big business easily solved

17 March, 2017 - There is a way out of the government’s awkward bickering with Australia’s top CEOs over marriage equality, say the Greens. “Every section of so...

Greens MP to attend opening of the duck shooting season

17 March, 2017 - Who: Sue Pennicuik MLC, Victorian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson When: Saturday 18 March, from sunrise onwards Where: North West Victoria  ...

Port Phillip Greens urge Channel 9 to look beyond the ratings cycle

16 March, 2017 - Greens councillors in the City of Port Phillip have called on the State Government and any purchaser of the Gatwick Hotel to contribute to repl...

Greens won’t stand for any roll back of women’s healthcare rights

15 March, 2017 - The Australian Greens have vowed to fight a push by the Australian Christian Lobby for Australia to copy President Trump’s ban on foreign aid f...

Richard Di Natale at the National Press Club

15 March, 2017 - Firstly let me acknowledge that we are meeting here on the land of the Ngunnawal peoples and I pay my respects to their elders past and present...

WA election another nail in coffin for toll road agenda

12 March, 2017 - The WA election result represents an overwhelming victory for communities standing up against toll road agendas, say the Greens. "Toll roads ar...

WA warning to Victorian Liberals considering One Nation deal

12 March, 2017 - Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber says the Western Australia election should be a warning to Victorian Liberals considering a preference deal...

Adjournment - Adolescent Family Violence

9 March, 2017 - My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Families and Children. Adolescent violence in the home has increased substantially over the last 1...

Adjournment: Racial Discrimination in Government Schools

9 March, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education and pertains to reports in the media from 1 March...

Estimates: Domino's pizzas

9 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: The other issue I wanted to raise was the situation with Domino's and the investigation that I understand you were doing. In parti...

Government needs to protect ducks with wetland closures

9 March, 2017 - Protected freckled ducks, blue-billed ducks and blue-winged shovelers have been recorded at wetlands across Victoria, but only one week from ope...

Question without Notice: Sage Institute

9 March, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Training and Skills. Minister, last week I asked you some questions a...

Australian Greens respond to claims one-third of parents unsure about vaccination.

8 March, 2017 - Australian Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale today said: “Immunisation is one of the most successful public health initiatives ever, and has le...

Greens challenge parties to put Hanson’s One Nation last

8 March, 2017 - The Greens will today challenge all parties in the Victorian Parliament to preference Pauline Hanson’s One Nation last at the next state electio...